Costs Report

The following figures are for 2022: 

Significant External Costs 

The largest single cost item was the levy towards the running costs of the Legal Services Board (LSB) which was £71,491 (2021: £66,846).

In addition £5,000 (2021: £5,000) was paid towards the running costs of the Legal Ombudsman.

N.B. The LSB accounting year is to 31 March. The expense shown in IPReg's operating results each year is made up of two levy years, pro-rated as applicable. IPReg has budgeted £77,100 in respect of the 2023/2024 year.  

Remuneration and Travel Subsistence Policy

Details of the remuneration rates for the Board can be found here.  Also included is the IPReg Travel & Subsistence Policy.

The Chair’s remuneration for 2022 was £35,858.

The CEO’s remuneration for 2022 was £85,936 (3 days a week).

Expenditure v Budget

We publish an annual comparison of our actual expenditure against our budget. This can be found within our (next) Annual Budgets page.