
We keep a register of patent attorneys and a register of trade mark attorneys. These are combined on this website so that you can search for an attorney and/or firm to give you advice on patent law and/or trade mark law.

Here is a current list of registrants who have applied for voluntary removal from the registers.

There are different ways of searching the registers:

  • If you know the name of the attorney or firm, enter it in the top box. Search attorneys by family name or first name or Family Name, First Name;
  • If you want to find an attorney or firm in a specific postcode area or town, enter the postcode or town in the second box;
  • If you want to find an attorney or firm in a particular country, click on the drop down arrow in the third box and choose the country;
  • If you want details of all attorneys and firms on both registers, leave all the boxes empty.

Then click on the “Search” button.  

Attorneys who are “in private practice” or a “sole trader” may be able to advise on your particular issue.  
Firms that are shown as “licensed body” or “registered body” may be able to advise on your particular issue.

You can contact us here if you have any questions about the online registers. However, IPReg cannot recommend an attorney or firm. If you need more advice or information about how to choose an adviser you can look on the Legal Choices website.


Select any filter and click on Search to see results