Core Metrics


The number of registrants as at 1 April 2023 is 3,439 (2022: 3,342) of which:

2,409 (2022: 2,324) are Patent Attorneys

810 (2022: 784) are Trade Mark Attorneys and

220 (2022: 234) are both Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys.


The number of regulated entities as at 31 December 2022 was 248 (2021: 247).

Total Income:

2022: £1,102,242 (subject to audit)  (2021: £1,017,826).

IPReg collects practice fees directly from registrants and registered bodies.

Apart from limited other income from (for example) application fees from Licensed Bodies, the practice fees are the only source of income. IPReg undertakes no commercial activities.

Practice fees are retained by IPReg in their entirety.  Representative bodies collect membership fees separately.

Total Expenditure:

2022: £1,073,223 (subject to audit) (2021: £972,665).

IPReg Staff Count:

As at 31 December 2022: 7 part time (2021:  7 part time).