The IPReg Board

IPReg is responsible for all aspects of the regulation of the professions – education, training, qualifications, keeping the registers, setting and applying standards and a code of conduct and handling complaints against Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys.

Setting standards and a code of conduct will always be done on the basis of consultations with those concerned, the professions, industry, commerce and the public at large. IPReg monitors what is going on elsewhere in the Legal professions and ensures that the professions for which it is responsible respond in a proportionate way to what is happening elsewhere.

It is the Board of IPReg that is the decision-making body in relation to the matters for which it is responsible and which affect both the Patent Attorney and Trade Mark Attorney professions. Where the subject is one which affects only one or other of the professions it will be the appropriate Regulation Board, Patent Attorney Regulation Board or Trade Mark Regulation Board which makes the decision.

You will be able to find further details via the side tabs on this page.