What to do if things go wrong

On 1 July 2023, a new Core Regulatory Framework which replaced the former Rules of Conduct came into force.  In addition, the way IPReg investigates and takes enforcement and disciplinary action has changed.  

Both the new Core Regulatory Framework and the former Rules of Conduct require firms and sole trader attorneys to have in place an internal complaints system to try to resolve issues with their clients.  If you are unhappy with the service you have received from your attorney you should first raise the issue with them under their complaints system. 

If that does not resolve the issue for you, then complaints regarding poor service should be passed to the Legal Ombudsman. If we receive a complaint which seems to be about poor service we will refer you to the Legal Ombudsman.

Generally complaints about bills will be dealt with by the Legal Ombudsman.

IPReg deals with complaints in relation to breaches of the Rules of Conduct (for events which occur prior to 1 July 2023) and the Core Regulatory Framework (for events which occur from 1 July 2023).  The Rules of Conduct will apply to events that occurred prior to 1 July 2023 even if you did not become aware of them until after 1 July 2023, or you did not make a complaint to IPReg until after 1 July 2023.  IPReg cannot judge an attorney's conduct against a set of rules that were not in place at the time the conduct took place.

You can make a complaint to IPReg about a regulated person or firm by submitting this online form.