Disciplinary Findings

IPReg publishes its disciplinary decisions in accordance with its Publications Guidance.

Where a disciplinary decision has been made against a registered attorney or firm, a copy of that decision will also be published against the attorney’s or firm's name on the online register.  Disciplinary cases are published as soon as any right to appeal the determination has expired.  This will normally be 20 working days unless the attorney or firm has indicated they do not intend to appeal and are content for immediate publication of the determination.  

Concluded cases are as follows:

  • IPReg v Keith Boden (Patent Register) was determined by the Disciplinary Panel on 6 June 2024.  A copy of the Panel's written decision can be found here.  The determination will continue to be published until at least 22 July 2029.
  • IPReg v John Hardwick (Patent Register) was determined by the Disciplinary Panel on 31 August 2023.  A copy of the Panel's written decision can be found here.  The determination will continue to be published until at least 2 October 2028.

Cases that are no longer published

  • IPReg v A Patent and Trade Mark Attorney (Patent and Trade Mark Registers) was determined by the Disciplinary Board on 30 March 2022.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the attorney is no longer regulated by IPReg and the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • IPReg v A Patent Attorney (Patent Register) was determined by the Complaint Review Committee on 5 August 2021.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • IPReg v A Patent Attorney (Patent Register) was determined by the Complaint Review Commitee on 5 August 2021.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • ​IPReg v A Trade Mark Attorney and A Registered Body (Trade Mark Register) was determined on 25 September 2020.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • Complainant v A Patent Attorney and A Registered Body (Patent Register) was determined by the Complaint Review Committee on 28 January 2020. Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • IPReg v Trade Mark Attorney A and Trade Mark Attorney B (Trade Mark Register) was determined on 17 January 2020.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice period for publication has now expired.
  • Complainant v A Patent Attorney and A Licensed Body was determined by the Complaint Review Commitee on 21 December 2017.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published because the notice issued against A Licensed Body has now expired under IPReg’s Disciplinary Procedure Rules.
  • IPReg (The Patent Regulation Board) v A Patent Attorney was determined on 9th September 2013. Details relating to the matter are no longer being published as IPReg considers it would be disproportionate to do so bearing in mind the length of time since the events in question, the nature of the breaches admitted and the severity of the sanction imposed.
  • IPReg (The Patent Regulation Board) v A Patent Attorney was determined on 21st January 2013.  Details relating to the matter are no longer being published as IPReg considers it would be disproportionate to do so bearing in mind the length of time since the events in question, the nature of the breaches admitted and the severity of the sanction imposed.