Accreditation Assessments

Following a Board decision at its meeting of 30 October 2019 all accreditation assessments (and their corresponding recommendation implementation plans) will be published.

2023 accreditation assessment of the Patent Examination Board. The January 2023 Board meeting approved the accreditation of the Final Diploma examinations of the patent attorney qualifications subject to provision of a satisfactory implementation plan and formal independent review of its successful completion. PEB accreditation implementation plan June 2023.

2022 accreditation assessment of Queen Mary University London. The March 2022 Board meeting approved the accreditation of both the registered trade mark and patent attorney qualifications subject to provision of a satisfactory implementation plan and formal independent review of its successful completion. QMUL accreditation implementation plan delivery assessment March 2023.

2020 accreditation assessment of Brunel.  The May and July 2020 Board meetings approved the accreditation of both the registered trade mark and patent attorney qualifications.  Brunel accreditation implementation plan March 2020.