Sunset Clause to Exemptions - Historic Examinations

After consultation, IPReg introduced, in August 2021, an 18 month sunset clause to the historic Joint Examination Board examinations and the pre-2013 course offers of the universities of Bournemouth, Brunel and Manchester.

As of 1st February 2023, these historic qualifications are no recognised for the purposes of entry on to the IPReg register(s) unless the individual successfully applies for those qualifications to be recognised due to extenuating circumstances – please see the guidance attached as an Annex to the FAQs as to what extenuating circumstances means in this context.

The Consultation

The Sunset Clause Consultation proposed an18 month sunset clause to the historic Joint Examination Board examinations and 3 named historic courses being afforded exemptions to the attorney qualifying pathways. Four responses were received. The responses from CIPA, CITMA and Nottingham Law School are provided below (the 4th response was from an individual attorney who asked to remain anonymous). 

CIPA Response

CITMA Response 

Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University Response

This table summarises the four responses and the corresponding IPReg position which formed the basis of the rule change application made to the Legal Services Board (LSB). The LSB approved the application.  

Other Exemptions

Schedule 3, ‘Exemptions and Deemed Passes’, of the Rules for the Examination and Admission of Individuals to the Registers provide that a law degree, the Legal Practice Course, Bar Final Examination, the European Qualifying Examinations (patent attorney qualification route only) and specified/time limited provision from the other accredited qualification providers (as above) may provide an element of module/exam exemption. It is for the relevant university or PEB to verify the exemptions which may apply to you. Any queries regarding exemptions should be referred to the relevant university or the PEB.