All posts in "IPReg News"
IPReg, having previously consulted on introducing an 18 month sunset clause to the historic JEB examinations and specified historic courses, made an application to the LSB as informed by responses to that consultation. The LSB has recently issued the Decision Notice which approves that application in full.The revised…
You will no doubt be aware of the ransomware threat currently faced by UK organisations. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) aims to provide advice and guidance and services to help improve the cyber security resilience of organisations in the UK. To help mitigate the threat of ransomware we would recommend that…
IPReg has updated the Competency Frameworks for Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys. The changes of substance are:1. To remove competency requirements in respect of EU Trade Marks and EU Designs, given that registration as a UK Patent Attorney or UK Trade Mark Attorney will not give representation rights at the…
IPReg has recently accredited CPD Training’s Higher Courts Advocacy Course, open to attorneys who already hold the IPReg Higher Courts Litigation Certificate. An individual who successfully completes this course will be awarded, upon application to IPReg, the IPReg Higher Courts Advocacy Certificate leading to rights of…
IPReg has recently accredited Nottingham Law School's (NTU) Higher Courts Advocacy Course, open to attorneys who already hold the IPReg Higher Courts Litigation Certificate. An individual who successfully completes this course will be awarded, upon application to IPReg, the IPReg Higher Courts Advocacy Certificate…