All posts in "IPReg News"
At its 24 March meeting, IPReg's Board agreed the implementation date of 1 July 2023 for its new regulatory arrangements. All attorneys, authorised managers and Heads of Finance and Administration will be contacted directly in due course to advise them of the implementation date. Attorneys and firms should…
The Government has announced that the new Chair of the Legal Services Board is Alan Kershaw, currently a lay member of the IPReg Board.The IPReg Chair, Lord Smith of Finsbury said: “We very much welcome Alan’s appointment as Chair of the LSB. As an IPReg Board member, he has contributed significantly to IPReg's work…
On 10 November, IPReg formally submitted its application to the Legal Services Board to make significant changes to its regulatory arrangements. The application, together with supporting documents including the proposed new rules, can be accessed on IPReg's website and is also published on the LSB website. The LSB…
We have this morning, published IPReg's revised policy position following an analysis of responses to our consultation on the review of regulatory arrangements. You can review a summary of the responses, our response and the updated impact assessment here.
IPReg has today opened a consultation on its 2023 practising fees, budget and business plan. Please provide any responses by 12 noon on 22 August.