News & Events

IPReg has updated the Competency Frameworks for Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys. The changes of substance are:1. To remove competency requirements in respect of EU Trade Marks and EU Designs, given that registration as a UK Patent Attorney or UK Trade Mark Attorney will not give representation rights at the…
IPReg has recently accredited CPD Training’s Higher Courts Advocacy Course, open to attorneys who already hold the IPReg Higher Courts Litigation Certificate. An individual who successfully completes this course will be awarded, upon application to IPReg, the IPReg Higher Courts Advocacy Certificate leading to rights of…
IPReg has recently accredited Nottingham Law School's (NTU) Higher Courts Advocacy Course, open to attorneys who already hold the IPReg Higher Courts Litigation Certificate. An individual who successfully completes this course will be awarded, upon application to IPReg, the IPReg Higher Courts Advocacy Certificate…
IPReg is pleased to announce that it has appointed three new Board members. They are: Justin Bukspan – Justin is appointed as a professional member to the Trade Mark Regulation Board. Justin is a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney. He holds a first class law degree and a master's degree in international business law. Born…
Following a survey of registered patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys, IPReg has today published a report on its findings.