News & Events

The Legal services board has approved IPReg's application in respect of 2019 practice fees which are set out in the Practice fee Regulations 2018. Practice fees for 2019 can be paid from 1 December 2018. 
Today IPReg launches it transparency consultation proposing guidance that will improve the price and service information provided to individual consumers and small businesses.The proposed guidance has been informed by the Competition Market Authority's reccomendations in its legal services market study, responses to…
On the 18th January, IPReg made its response to the LSB's consultation on the Proposed Internal Governance Rules. These rules set out the framework for the extent to which regulatory and representative activities must be separated.Whilst IPReg's response welcomes the LSB’s intention to provide more…
IPReg is no longer applying a 25% cap on the maximum number of hours that count towards overall CPD for certain “non-interactive” activities. For example, where previously watching a recording of a webinar as opposed to watching it live was deemed a capped activity, from now on an attorney will be entitled to claim 100%…
Today we have published two consultations:removing the current restrictions on in-house patent and trade mark attorneys providing pro bono advice. We are also proposing changes to allow attorneys who are not actively practising to provide pro bono advice. In both cases, provision of pro bono advice would require the…