News & Events

Michael Heap is to address the CIPA OGM in Edinburgh on Friday 26th April and we use this opportunity to address a concern raised by colleagues with practices in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
IPReg is consulting on the level of practising fees for 2020.  We are proposing to increase fees by RPI (2.3%).  The consultation closes at 5.00 pm on Thursday, 4 July 2019.  Please follow the link to the consultation document 
The Legal services board has approved IPReg's application in respect of 2019 practice fees which are set out in the Practice fee Regulations 2018. Practice fees for 2019 can be paid from 1 December 2018. 
Today IPReg launches it transparency consultation proposing guidance that will improve the price and service information provided to individual consumers and small businesses.The proposed guidance has been informed by the Competition Market Authority's reccomendations in its legal services market study, responses to…
On the 18th January, IPReg made its response to the LSB's consultation on the Proposed Internal Governance Rules. These rules set out the framework for the extent to which regulatory and representative activities must be separated.Whilst IPReg's response welcomes the LSB’s intention to provide more…