New IPReg Guidance – Improving Information for Consumers and Small Businesses


IPReg wants consumers and small businesses to be able to make informed choices about who is the best person to give them advice on intellectual property law. We have therefore published Guidance today to help regulated firms and attorneys decide what information to provide about their services and costs.

The Guidance includes links to a substantial amount of research which shows that providing better information about price and services is likely to have commercial advantages for law firms.

All firms and attorneys are welcome to adopt the Guidance however it applies specifically to firms (including sole traders) that advise individual consumers and small businesses (of up to 10 employees) on IP-related matters. Firms should analyse their client base and decide whether the Guidance applies to them. We would hope that firms have adopted the Guidance within 12 weeks of its publication (15th August).

Working together

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys and the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys responded to our consultation on what we should include in the Guidance Please see the Decision Document for information on how their responses helped inform the Guidance. We look forward to working with them to help promote it.