Transparency Guidance

As reported through the IPReg annual renewal process, the nature of the four most frequent complaints made to regulated entities and sole practitioners in 2020:

  • Costs information deficient/costs excessive – 77 total complaints (65 complaints in 2019);
  • Failure to advise – 22 total complaints (12 complaints in 2019);
  • Delay/failure to progress – 18 total complaints (21 complaints in 2019); and
  • Failure to follow instructions –  20 total complaints (19 complaints in 2019);

continue to reinforce the importance of providing clear information to consumers about price, service and quality, and therefore IPReg is re-issuing the Transparency Guidance.

The guidance highlights large bodies of research which show that providing better information about price and services is likely to be commercially advantageous for law firms. Accordingly, all IPReg firms are encouraged to consider and adopt the guidance (though it applies specifically to firms, including sole traders, that advise individual consumers and small businesses, of up to 10 employees, on IP-related matters).