
The new coronavirus, Covid-19, sees us all in unprecedented circumstances and requiring alterations to typical everyday practices. 

This section provides links and information that may be useful for you.  

Examination Agencies

IPReg-accredited Examination Agencies (EAs) have had to reconfigure their assessments to protect the health and safety of both students and staff to be in keeping with government advice.

The EAs shared with us their proposals which we have assessed against the IPReg Accreditation Handbook.  We found that all the proposals met the criteria and in the unprecedented circumstances consider that the EAs are taking appropriate and proportionate steps which best meet their own particular circumstances.

IPReg-accredited assessments: Nottingham Trent â€‹University is now planning to provide its April assessments online; and the universities of Bournemouth, Brunel, and Queen Mary London are also providing their May assessments online. For further information on these, or other scheduled assessments, please contact the relevant university.

Additionally, the European Qualifying Examinations, which can afford an element of exemption from the patent attorney examination qualification pathway, have been postponed, please see the CIPA Statement on this.

Help for firms

Please use the 'contact us' section of your account or the website if you have a query for IPReg.

CIPA has published information here

CITMA has published information here

Help for individuals 

Please make use of the LawCare website. LawCare provides emotional support to the legal community in these difficult and uncertain times and has a variety of free resources available. 

If you need to talk, you can call the LawCare free, independent and confidential helpline on 0800 279 6888 or email