
Haley Guiliano International LLP

Company Registration Number: N/A - Delaware File No: 6384905
Register of Trade Mark Attorneys: Registered 27 September 2017
Register of Patent Attorneys: Registered 27 September 2017
Practice address: 26-28 Bedford Row, London, London, WC1R 4HE, United Kingdom
Registered address: c/o The Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19801, United States
Head of Legal Practice: Hale, Peter - Authorised by - IPReg
Head of Finance and Administration: Nowotarska, Magda - Authorised by - IPReg
Reserved activities authorised: Conduct of Litigation, Reserved Instrument Activities, Rights of Audience
Disciplinary history:
No history found.

Waiver in place

Waiver details: Download